Chris mccandless

Story of my life because you were never there

  • Arrived in Lake Mead National Recreation area

    I poilated out west to Atlanta to reach my destination.
  • Abandoning my car

    It was a very stormy day. There was a flash flood that made the car engine not start. So, I just left it behind and I continued west for the next two months.
  • Leaving home

    This is the day that I decided to leave home and go on with my life.I left shortly after graduation. My dream is to live in the wilderness to be free from society
  • Meeting new people

    I accepted a ride from a man who calls himself Crazy Ernie. He offered me a job on a ranch in Northern California. Then it became clear to me that Ernie had no intention of ever paying me, so I stole a red ten-speed bicycle and pedaled in to Chico and left the bike in a mall parkinglot
  • A pair of drfters noticed me

    60 miles south of the Oregon line near the town of Orick, people noticed me. They had a small chat with me and asked if I was okay
  • Getting in trouble for hitch hiking

    I got ticketed for hitchinking near Willow Creek in the gold-mining country east of Eurika
  • I hitched a ride from Wayne Westerberg, in South Dakota

    Wayne offers Alex a job, working at his grain elevator in Carthage, South Dakota. I acceped the job since he’s in need of money and WAyne becomes my closest friend. One day Wayne got arrested while we were working and that’s the last time I saw him.
  • Successfully reached Mexican Border

    in a cheap kayak eventually ditches the kayak and goes back to america
  • Caught by immigration police

    The handgun got confiscated and he got released to go to america after I explained my story.
  • I arrived in Bullhead City

    Finds a trailor to live in and gets a job as a fry cook at Mcdonalds.
  • Finally heard from Jan

    I finally heard from Jan and she was glad to find me alive and well. I sent her a christmas card as well.
  • My birthday

    On February 19, I called to wish Franz to wish him a happy eighty-first birthday. I remembered because my birthday was seven days earlier and I turned Twenty-four on February 12.
  • Left Franz and went to San Diego

  • prepared to leave for Alaska

  • sending postcards to Wayne

    i sent a postcard to Wayne Westerberg saying that it was the last time he was going to hear from me. It was very difficult to catch rides in the Yukon Territory. I also told him that if this adventure proves to be fatal then i wwanted him to know that he was a good man.
  • I reached my final destination

    I fianlly did it!
  • crossing the Teklanika River

    crossing the Teklanika River
    I found an abondoned bus that was sitting on the trail.
  • The day of my death

    The day of my death
    eft behind a note that says“I have had a happy llife and thank the Lord. Goodbye and may God bless all.”