Native american

Stories of Schooling-Indigenous Heritage

By NiaJ
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus arrives in America

    Columbus arrives in the Caribbean believing he has found the Spice Islands of Indonesia ( "East Indies"), which he called the West Indies. Between 1492 and 1498 he completed 4 round trips where about 3 million "Taino" residents were killed. This launched a genocide that would result in the Indigenous depopulation of much of the Caribbean, with enslaved Africans.
  • 1512

    Europeans Enforce Government in Schooling

  • Declaration of Independence

  • First Treaty with the a Native nation

    The United States signs its first treaty with a Native nation, the Delaware Nation, to gain access to Delaware trade and create a military and political alliance during the Revolutionary War.
  • US Government begins to Invade Waterfront States

  • Indian Removal Act

    President Jackson signs the Indian Removal Act, authorizing the president to carve up Indigenous peoples' territories west of Mississippi in order to resettle the southeastern Native peoples on it and creating "Indian Territory" , this act lead to the rapid development of the Cotton Kingdom in the Southeast
  • Trail of Tears

    When people from the Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole tribes are forced to walk over one thousand miles from their homelands in the Southeast to Indian Territory (today's Oklahoma), resulting in the deaths of over ten thousand.
  • The Carlisle Indian Industrial School is Established

    Established in Pennsylvania, the prototype for the many militaristic federal boarding schools that will be set up across the continent soon after, augmented by dozens of Christian Missionary boarding schools.
  • The Society of American Indians is established

  • Indian Citizenship Act passed

  • International Labour Organization adopts conventions to protect the Indigenous

    They are inherently paternalistic and assimilationist
  • The National Indian Youth Council is founded in Albuquerque

  • American Indian Civil Rights Act

    This act is passed to give a measure of individual civil liberties to Indians. Modeled on the black civil rights groups and made up form the urban Indian population.
  • Indian Self Determination and Education Act

    This act reversed the previously assimilationist termination policy giving tribal governments greater control over their affairs
  • American Indian Freedom of Religion Act and the Child Welfare Act

  • Bereau of Indian Affairs recieved and official apology 2