
Stolen Generation

  • Victorian Boarder Protection

    In 1869 Victoria made a decision by the Australian Boarder and Protection of Aborigines that they were allowed to take children without their parents permission.
  • NSW' s boarder protection act

    In 1883 NSW followed Victoria's law, and started the Stolen Generation there as well.
  • Queensland boarder protection

    In 1897 Queensland started following NSW 's and Victorians law to take kids.
  • WA Boarder Protection

    In 1905 the stolen generation started in Western Australia like the rest of the states.
  • The aboriginal protection act in NSW.

    The aboriginal protection act NSW gives the aboriginal protection board full power to assume full control and custody of any aboriginal children under the age of 16 without having to go to court.
  • SA and Northern Territory Boarder Protection

    In 1911 Southern Australia and the Northern Territory started taking children away from their homes and families.
  • Infants welfare act TAS

    The introduction of the infants welfare act, TAS is used to remove indigenous children on Cape Ballen island from their families.
  • The NSW aboriginals protection board

    The NSW aboriginals protection board looses its power to remove indigenous children. The board is renamed the aboriginals welfare board and is finally abolished in 1969.
  • Campaign for aborigines

    In 1960 people begain to campaign for aborigines to get their rights.
  • Link-up aboriginal corporation NSW

    The first link-up aboriginal corporation is established in NSW. It provides tracing, reunion and support for the stolen generation.
  • The going home conference in Darwin

    The going home conference in Darwin brings together over 600 families.
  • The parliament and government

    The parliament and government of all states send out an apology to the stolen generation.
  • National Sorry Day

    The first National sorry day was held on mar 26th 1998, which was one year after the tabling of a report about the removal of Aboriginal and Torres strait islander children, from there families.
  • Kevin Rudd

    Kevin Rudd apologized to the stolen generation.