
By sdoc
  • 2.1 Early Maturer

    Early maturer due to medicine. not sure about genital development because I did not care about size. I already had pubic hair and wet dreams. I never had a growth spurt. My voice changed in 1961,could not control it.Sexual maturation was complete by 1974. I never had problem behavior and did not care about peer pressure
  • 3.2 self-conscious

    read 3.2
  • 6.3 pyysical support

    His name was Brian amd I just moved to town. His father owned a company,Cine Products, and we both did alot of different jobs at the factory and his home. We did other things that friends normally did but the majority was work . I think this di=escription is a match.
  • 3.3 self protection

    Time Line Assignment
    In my time line I have picked self-conscious and self-protection. I was always quiet but became more so in adolescence. I became self-conscious (3.2) I knew I had difficulty hearing but I did not understand it because no one spoke to me about it. I did not talk to my friends about it due to the constant ridicule. And my siblings always just said that I had selective hearing. I did not have anyone to compare myself with so for lack of knowing what to do I tried to hide my hea
  • transition 7.1

    My transitions were rather smooth because I had no expectations about school until the end of middle school. That was a fantastic school because these teachers used constructivist teaching approach and they made it fun to learn.I wanted to go to H.S. for more of the same, gymnastics, track and science classes.
  • 7.3 intrinsic motivation

    I was in social studies and mrs. MacIllroy had us doing a cultural study. My group had to do an affrican tribe.. I dove head first into this I made a replica bow and arrow, A style of grass dress and ankle dressing and a replica cow bell The hut was made by everyone in the group. We all had to give some details about daily life in this tribe, I think it was Zulu. I did this because I loved anthropology and this was an active use of it
  • Entering Adolescence

    I picked this time because I started high school and Gymnastics gave me that something extra I"ve been looking for. Prior to this I was too quiet and few teachers were able to draw me out.Only in small groups would I dare to open up, but I finally did.
  • "2.2 Niche Picking

    “2.2- Niche-Picking”
    Prior to my adolescence I spent much of my time alone. When I hit middle school and athletic teams I joined the track team, I was fast and had powerful legs. Then in gym class we did gymnastics and I was sold on it, I was a natural. In H.S. I joined the gymnastics team and that is when I found out my father was varsity on the Haddonfield gymnastics team. He taught me some when I was little because that helped stop a pending seizure. Passive genotype-environment correlat
  • 3.1 personal fable

    Social Cognition Timeline Assignment
    3.1 Personal Fable
    My personal fable was that I would graduate from high school and join the Army, become a Green
    Beret or MP. When my stint with the military was over I would join the police force. This was a world I envisioned that, in the back of my mind could never be. The hearing loss that I denied would prevent any of that from happening. This was pure fantasy in my attempt to appear normal in the eyes of my friends and myself. This was adolescent egoc
  • 4.1 Gender typical behavior

    I was at an alateen meeting when a girl was saying how she said ficious things about another girl causing temporary ostrisization of that girl. In the meeting she adnitted to drinking prior to that and regretting her actions. Relational aggression is more common for girls in later teens than for boys but the data does not take into account alcohol use.
  • 4.2 Non-genger typed behavior

    I was 18 with my first girlfriend and we were talking about our possible future, exploring what we could do after H.S. to build a possible future, where we could live ,etc. That never happened , we drifted apart. Most guys can do rapport talk but not too often because they feel it consumes productive time.
  • 6.6 intimacy /affection

    Her name was Kelsey. Hearing aids are still new to me and we met in Art class. Yes she definately matches this description in the book. We laughed about my hearing and her bad eye sight and just had a great time. Self-disclosure went both ways with us and we never ridiculed eactother.
  • 6.1 parent-adolescent conflict

    This was the day I tried to join the Army and was rejected due to my bad hearing. My mothers' responce was to say that I was destined to go to Gallaudet. This was the first time she ever spoke to me about schooling and I did not want to hear any of it. My cognition had changed because I had become more logical but depressed because the dream I've had since I was a child was dashed and I had no future plans. I lashed out at her saying "Are you sure this isn't your plan and left the dinner table.
  • Transition 7.2

    This is my transition to Gallaudet from H.S.I was nervous , not academically, but because I was learning sign and about a new culture where I would be able to communicate with others like me. I was nervous because I did not know what to expect. My independence and autonomy just came naturally but a relationship would be new
  • Rites of Passage 8.1

    Rites of Passage 8.1
    People of many cultures still practice rites of passage, not so in America. I am Irish catholic and my first rite of passage was to receive my confirmation, I was in the fifth grade so that makes me 11 years old. Supposedly this is a rite of passage into adulthood when it is really about confirming my faith in Jesus and the church thus making me an adult in the eyes of God and church. This does not make me adult in the eyes of family or society. So onto entering Gallaudet in
  • Emerging Adulthood

    I picked the day I got married because prior to that I felt like I was playing grown up. New I actually started a new life , new job, becoming more assertive. I felt alot of things were possible not only for me but my family as well.