
Post-MAM Series Timeline (C2)

  • Season two of Making a Murderer released. Season three date yet to be announced.

    Season two of Making a Murderer released.  Season three date yet to be announced.
    Season two of Making a Murderer released. Season three date yet to be announced.
  • Steven Avery files a motion to stay appeal and remand the cause for new scientific testing.

    Steven Avery files a motion to stay appeal and remand the cause for new scientific testing. Motion calls for new DNA testing for all the “human” and “suspected human” bones found in quarry.
  • Retired detective Andrew L. Colborn files lawsuit against Netflix and Making a Murderer filmmakers for false and defamatory representation.

    Retired detective Andrew L. Colborn files lawsuit against Netflix and Making a Murderer filmmakers for false and defamatory representation.
  • Wisconsin Court of Appeals denies December 14 motion to stay appeal and remand the cause for new scientific testing.

    Wisconsin Court of Appeals denies December 14 motion to stay appeal and remand the cause for new scientific testing.
  • Steven Avery files a motion to stay appeal and remand the cause for proceedings for relief in connection with the state’s violations of a Wisconsin Statute § 968.205 and Youngblood v. Arizona.

    Steven Avery files a motion to stay appeal and remand the cause for proceedings for relief in connection with the state’s violations of a Wisconsin Statute § 968.205 and Youngblood v. Arizona.
  • Wisconsin Court of Appeals approves Steven Avery’s motion for appeal.

    Wisconsin Court of Appeals approves Steven Avery’s motion for appeal.
    Wisconsin Court of Appeals approves Steven Avery’s motion for appeal. Hearing date was not initially set.
  • Steven Avery files a supplemental motion for post-conviction relief, pursuant to state’s violation of Wisconsin Statute § 968.205 and Youngblood v. Arizona.

    Steven Avery files a supplemental motion for post-conviction relief, pursuant to state’s violation of Wisconsin Statute § 968.205 and Youngblood v. Arizona.
  • The Wisconsin Department of Justice files its response to Steven Avery's motion for a new trial based on alleged violations of Youngblood v. Arizona.

    The Wisconsin Department of Justice files its response to Steven Avery's motion for a new trial based on alleged violations of Youngblood v. Arizona.
    The Wisconsin Department of Justice files its response to Steven Avery's motion for a new trial based on alleged violations of Youngblood v. Arizona.
  • Brendan Dassey transferred from Columbia Correctional Institution to Oshkosh Correctional Institution.

    Brendan Dassey transferred from Columbia Correctional Institution to Oshkosh Correctional Institution.
    Brendan Dassey transferred from Columbia Correctional Institution to Oshkosh Correctional Institution. Attorney Laura Nirider stated that transfer reflected Brendan’s "fine character & stellar behavior in prison."
  • Steven Avery's attorneys file response to the State of Wisconsin's request that a judge not grant Avery a new trial.

    Steven Avery's attorneys file response to the State of Wisconsin's request that a judge not grant Avery a new trial. The response was filed April 11 in Manitowoc County Court by Avery attorney Kathleen Zellner. Zellner called the action "unauthorized and unsolicited."
  • Netflix and Making a Murderer filmmakers file motion to dismiss lawsuit issued against them retired detective Andrew L. Colborn.

    Netflix and Making a Murderer filmmakers file motion to dismiss lawsuit issued against them retired detective Andrew L. Colborn.The defendants claimed that Making A Murderer contains no false statements against him.
  • New York Times releases short documentary, Contaminated Memories, which highlights false identification conditions surrounding previous crime Steven Avery was convicted of conducting before being exonerated.

    New York Times releases short documentary, Contaminated Memories, which highlights false identification conditions surrounding previous crime Steven Avery was convicted of conducting before being exonerated.