
By Ablake3
  • When i was born

    I was born on the 2004 16 December at 9.15
  • were i was born

    I was born in Australia
  • when my Nan pastaway

    When't my Nan was having bran surgery one of the doctors cut her bran cell and she past away
  • when i went to the hospital

    I when't to hospital because i broke my two pinkies
  • Timeline

    We and my family live in Karratha fr 6 years
  • When't to Melbourne

    Me and my family travel allot we traveled to Melbourne
  • When i when't to school

    Iv been at East Maddington for 2 years
  • When i when't to Disneyland

    Me and my family when't to Disneyland it was so fun
  • My siblings

    I have two sisters there names are paris and rivah paris is older then me rivah is younger then me
  • I when't trick or treating

    Two years ago i when't trick or treating with my family