
Steve Jobs created the first iphone

  • The first iPhone

    The first iPhone
    The iPhone was first released in June of 2007, in the United States.
  • iPhone 3g

    iPhone 3g
    The Iphone 3g started in the United States, then spread to other countries such as Australia, Austria, Belgium, etcc..
  • iPhone 3gs

    iPhone 3gs
    The iPhone 3gs was released in June of 2009 in the United States.
  • iPhone 4

    iPhone 4
    The iPhone 4 was started in the United States, but then later spread to the UK, Germany, France, and Japan.
  • iPhone 4s

    iPhone 4s
    The iPhone 4s was released first in the United States, then Australia, Canada, France, and Japan.
  • iPhone 5

    iPhone 5
    The notice of being released was in September of 2012 but was later released in late October 2012