1. Prepare the surface for drilling
- The surface must be smooth so the drill will go in straight. Be sure to saw off the old stud and file it flat (as close to the case as possible). Be careful not to remove any metal from the case.
2. Center punch the stud
3. Drill a hole with a diameter specified by the installation set
4. Apply cutting oil to the tap
- This helps with the removal of the ‘swarf’ (shavings).
5. Cut or ‘tap’ new threads into the hole
6. Remove all swarf
7. Thread the Heli-Coil insert onto the installation tool
- Notice how the inserts "tang" is hooked against one of the raised lands of the tool end.
8. Apply adhesive to Heli-Coil
- Most mechanics recommend to put Loctite onto the outer threads of the heli-coil to strengthen its bonding.
9. Use the installation tool to thread the insert into the recently enlarged and tapped hole
- Go until the top of the insert is flush with the part (unless the heli-coil is longer than the hole is deep).
10. Remove the installation tool
11. Shear off the tang
- Insert a punch against the bend of the tang (blue arrow) and hit the punch to shear off the tang. You could also insert the bolt and allow it to shear off the tang.