Misouri Comprimise
When settelers brought slaves into Missouri they wanted to make Missouri a slave sate. The Union was not happy with Missouri becoming a slave state, because it going to tip the slave to free ratio in the Union. Ater long debate in Congress they finally reached an agreement that any land above the 36. 30. degrees latitude would be free. This temporarly difused the the Unions disagreement and made a comprimise. -
Nathaniel Turner's Rebellion
August 22, 1831 Nathaniel Turner, a runaway slave, and his gang of men made a massacre of slaveholders and their families. After the killing of 55 white people the gang dissapears and an army is on the hunt for him. After 70 days of searching Nat is found. Nat Turner is interviewed by a man by the name of Thomas Gray and Nat states that he is a phrophet from God and had visions from Him. One day later Nat was tried and eventually executed. This spurred the people's thoughts on having slaves. -
Wilmot Proviso - 1846 - 1850
Pensylvania represenative David Wilmot proposed an idea after the mexican War began. The idea would ban any slavery in lands that might be taken by Mexico if the War was not won. Of course the Southeners were enraged by this proposal because they wouldn't be able use their slaves in most of their land. This proposal did not pass in Congress but still caused resentful debate in the Union. -
Comprimise of 1850
California sighned up to be a free state in 1849. This would also tip the balnce of slaves and free states. So the Southeners started to think of seceeding from the Union. Senator Henery Clay tried to fix a comprimise to satisfy the south. He proposed that California should enter as a free state and while the rest of the states going and no limit on slavery. Soon after that heated debate arose from the problem at hand.COngress finally passed 5 laws which became the Compromise of 1850. -
Fugitive Slave Act
A part of the Comprimiase of 1850, Senator Henery Clay made Congress pass the Fugitive Slave Act. This required all people to help find and catch runaway slaves. Anyone who didn't or aided a runaway slave would be thrown in jail or fined. Southeners thought it would help the Northeners coopoperate with them but it just made the North furious. The North refused to catch the runaways and sometimes helped the slaves through the Undergroung Railroad. This Act just tor the Nation apart further. -
Kansas - Nebraska Act
Kansas and Nebraska were undecided to be a free state or not. Bercause of their line on the borders they were supposed to be free states but southeners protested becuase they wanted those states to be free states. Conflict boke out between the Union. Both sides armed themselves and had actual phisical contact war between each other. tHey called this bleeding Kansas because it was the first "CIvil War" in our country. -
The Dred-Scott Case
Dred Scott was a slave to a doctor who moved to a free state and then the doctor died. In 1846 Scott sued for his freedom. He said that he should be free because he had lived in places where slavery was abolished. This case reached all the way to the Supreme Court. This not only made the Court think about Scott's case but also about the issue of slavery. -
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry
Southeners felt pressured from the Rebublicans after the election of 1858. A raid led by John Brown an abolitionist added to their fears about the Republicans. John led is troop to Harpers Ferry an artillery storage sight. John hoped to arm slaves and start a rebellion against slaveholders. Brown was deafeated by federal troops and citizens. Brown, because his actions were considered treason, was sentenced to death and hanged. -
Licoln's Election
Licoln was a talented persuader and it shined through when he was running in the election of 1858. Licoln would challenge Douglas to debates and show all the people his intellect. Although he lost this election, from this he gained recognition from all over which helped gain his presidency. The Election of 1820 made it very easy to pick Abraham Licoln. The Democrated were divided becouse of fear of the Northeners and the rebublicans won out easily, making Licoln the next president. -
Battle of Fort Sumter
One day after taking office Licoln recieved a letter from the commander at fort Sumter that they had low supplies and the COnfederated demanded surrender. Licoln responded by saying that he would send an unarmed troop to Sumter with supplies. Licoln promised that know one would shoot on their sides so long as the Confederates did not shoot. But unfortunally, Davis told his army to fire. Luckily no life was lost but the Civil War had begun.