Department of Public Welfare V. Haas
This court case ruled that it was not required for 'mentally deficient' or 'feebleminded' children to receive a free public education (Vaughn 2014). This is an important part of the history of special education because it shows how far we, as a country, have come in terms of special education. This decision was the beginning of the end of denying education to students with exceptionalities. -
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
The ESEA established the role the federal government takings in protecting and providing for students from disadvantaged backgrounds giving them equal access to public education (Vaughn 2014 p. 4). This act is important because it established the free and reduced lunch system which feeds many children each day. The act also established grant programs to promote the improvement of special education programs. -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act
The vocational rehabilitation act is important to special education because it prevents organizations, such as schools, from discriminating people with disabilities because of their disabilities. Because of this, students with disabilities are able to attend college and find jobs. This act is important because it allows people with disabilities the same rights that people without disabilities have. -
P.L. 94-142
P.L. 94-142 required schools to ensure all children receive a free and appropriate public education (Vaughn 2014 p. 5). This is an important part of special education's history because it sets the precedence for appropriate education for students with exceptionalities. Today, P.L. 94-142 is something to look back on and realize that students with exceptionalities are receiving the education they deserve. -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities; people with disabilities cannot be discriminated against when applying for a job. This act provides equal access to public services, accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications (Vaughn 2014 p. 6).This is an important part of special education because students in or graduating from special education classes can have an equal opportunity to find a job and will have access to transportation. -
No Child Left Behind
No Child Left Behind is an important piece of special education's history because it is the reason for state-wide testing and the need to make adequate yearly progress (Vaughn 2014 p. 5). NCLB holds schools accountable for the education they provide; yearly testing shows if the school is making gains in closing the gap between student performance and the expected performance of the student. NCLB allows parents to select alternative schools if their child's school does not meet state standards. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)
IDEIA 2004 was passed by congress to promote RTI or the Response to Intervention. I believe this is an important time in history for special education because RTI is being used in schools today. RTI is important because under RTI, all students are screened for academic needs. Students are "provided with interventions at the first sign they are struggling" (Vaughn 2014 p. 44); this is important because it allows more students to be part of and successful in the general education classroom.