Till & McCulloch establish the foundation for stem cell science.
In 1968, the first bone marrow transplant (adult stem cells) was successfully used in treatment of SCID
1973 – moratorium on government financing for human embryo research
1974: Congress Bans All Federally Funded Fetal Tissue Research
1975: Ethics Advisory Board Established
1980: President Reagan Kills Ethics Advisory Board
1988: Federal Panel Approves Funding of Embryo Research
1990: President George H.W. Bush Veto’s Bill Lifting Moratorium
1990 – Congress voted to override the moratorium, vetoed by President Bush
1993: President Clinton Executive Order Lifts Moratorium
1994: President Clinton Reverses Order
1995 – Congress banned federal funding
1996 – The first mammal cloned from adult cells was Dolly, the sheep.
In 1998, James Thomson (University of Wisconsin-Madison) isolated cells from the inner cell mass of the early embryo, and developed the first human embryonic stem cell lines.
2001 – First cloned human embryos (only to six cell stage) created by Advanced Cell Technology (USA
2004: President’s Council on Bioethic: “Monitoring Stem Cell Research” established
2006: The International Society for Stem Cell Research releases its “Guidelines for the Conduct of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research.”
2007: Yamanaka and Thomson Independently Derive iPS Cells
2008: The International Society for Stem Cell Research releases its new Guidelines for the Clinical Translation of Stem Cells
On March 9, 2009, President Obama lifted the ban on federal funding of human embryonic stem cell line creation
2010: Advanced Cell Technology Wins FDA Approval To Test Stem Cell Therapy For Degenerative Eye Disease