Machine stills 0001

Steer Brochure

  • Project started

    Est. Budget: $640.00
    Milestone 1: Design
    Due: Friday, November 17, 2017
    Amount in escrow: $400.00
  • Csaba started renders

  • Draft renders sent to us from CSABA

  • Final renders finished and sent

    Final payment sent to csaba, 640 euro.
  • Mock up made and images sent to rod

    Sent rod a mock up brochure, with excel documents and renders. Phone call with rod, discussed time scale which is going to be Early February to be printed by.
  • ~REVIEW ~

    Follow up with rod, see how he is getting on with the project we have set, maybe have first draft
  • Christmas Break

  • ~REVIEW~

    Follow up with rod, hopefully be able to approve and be sent final brochure draft.
  • Send designs to printers for printing

    Southampton Printers - Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
    Quantity 250 400 500
    Price: £464.00 £490.00 £508.00
  • Printing finished and brochures sent