A korrelite pic

Starscape Timeline

  • Starscape is Created

    On this day the roblox game starscape is created.
  • Corvettes have been released

    On this date the ship type corvette has been released.
  • Frigates have been released

    On this date the ship type frigates were released.
  • Starscape Science Division is Founded

    On this date the SSD was founded by zoomer39 and IThe_CoordinatorI
  • United Federation Collapse

    After PEGA joined AFS, the UF members began a vote to remove him from leadership and give ownership to Coolidest or JuiceBoi. xRitual declined the vote, so the other UF members went public with the results of the poll. xRitual soon banned the opposing leaders and renamed the server "United Empire".
  • The Golden Accord has been formed

    On this date The Golden Accord was formed, with the founding factions being TBB, LS, and MOPP
  • The Battle of Zeluw Si

    This day was the largest battle in starscape history with GA and Genesis having their final battle. The total player count of it was around 170 players. The server crashed multiple times, and the battle was called off by Genesis.
  • Tech Week

    On this date Tech Week officially began, making every item free
  • Period: to

    Tech Week

    On this time period is tech week, where every item costed 10 credits.
  • Wipe Day

    On this day Starscape moved from alpha to beta, causing a wipe of everyones data
  • .SKILL URSELF has disbanded

    On this date .SU disbanded
  • The Alliance of Free Systems collapse

    On this date AFS collapsed.
  • Gate-09 found

    On this date Gate-09 was found.
  • HYPE and NPC joined NOTO

    On this date HYPE and NPC joined NOTO.
  • Gatinsir Treaty Organization KOS chain

    On this date GTO has a kos chain, which collapsed the alliance and the leading faction, LSC.
  • Industrial Supply Company bought BORG

    On this date ISC bought BORG
  • ASTRAL joined NOTO

    On this date ASTRAL joined NOTO
  • IF joined NOTO

    On this date IF joined NOTO
  • Coordination Industries is founded

    On this date CI was founded by IThe_CoordinatorI
  • COSMOS bought API

    On this date COSMOS bought API
  • Nebula Industries Relation Breakdown

    On this date SJ-C, TSK, and HYPE severed their NAPs with NBI.
  • Retribution has been formed

    On this date the retribution has been formed, with the members being GA and UC
  • The Vyktranis Dominion Disbandment.

    On this date VYKDOM disbanded as Velifer, the leader of vykdom, left the starscape community.
  • 1.5 released

    Starscape version 1.5 released, making it the biggest update since wipe.
  • Sovereign Rally

    On this date Sovereign rallied 175+ players, making it the largest gathering of players in starscape.
  • .SKILL URSELF returns

    On this date .SU returned from disbandment
  • IF merged into HYPE

    On this date The Imperial Federation merged into The Hyperion Empire.
  • Retribution Rally

    On this date the giga-alliance retribution rallied 145 players.
  • NOTO Chairman Election #1

    On this date Kronos won the chairman election and Techiemon won the Vice Chairman election.
  • SDI allies with NOTO

    On this date SDI allied with NOTO.