Stained Glass

By kuhnsbr
  • Period: 301 to 400

    Lycurgus Cup

    The Lycurgus Cup is a cup made out of stained glass. It is special because the glass changes color when light shines through it. [Lycurgus Cup Image](<img src="" alt="Early Roman Stained Glass "/>) The Lycurgus Cup, 4th century CE (Photo: The British Museum CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
  • Period: 601 to 700


    Stained glass was starting to be made into windows, as in adorn abbeys, convents, and some other religious buildings.
  • Period: 701 to 800

    Islamic Architecture

    This is when stained glass made its way to the middle east. Then they had created a cookbook so then they know what glass they are making if they add certain things to the glass.
  • Period: 1101 to 1200

    Gothic Cathedrals

    In this time the catholic churches are now making windows out of stained glass. They are making the stained glass into two kinds of windows. One of them is a tall and arched lancet windows, the other one is the [round rose window.](<img src="" alt="Romanesque Stained Glass"/>) Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris (Photo: Stock Photos from Viacheslav Lopatin) This one is personally my favorite.
  • Period: 1101 to 1200

    German Monk Book

    In the 12 century a German monk had written a book on how to make sheets of stained glass.
  • Period: 1301 to 1400

    Silver Stain

    People started using [silver stain](<img src="" alt="Stained glass scene depicting Saint George taking leave of the King of Selene."/>) (1520 – 30, Netherlands. Museum no C.352-1930. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London.) because of the reverse of the glass and burns into the surface when fired.
  • Period: 1401 to


    People began to insert roundels into their houses for decoration.
  • Period: 1401 to 1500

    Sketch From German Painter

    We found a sketch from a southern German painter in the 15th century. Who had a plan to make a stained glass window. This shows that stained glass has been passed down from generation to generation.
  • Period: 1501 to

    Diamond Cutters

    In the 16th century people started using diamond cutters, because it gave them a lot better edge and it helped them cut out their shapes easier.
  • Period: to

    American Arts and Crafts

    Americans start to make more fashionable and new items from stained glass, like windows in school buildings, and lamps made out of stained glass. (Tiffany glass collection dragonfly by Can Pac Swire 2018)
  • Period: to

    Stained Glass Today

    People today are trying to make stained glass more fun and new and not some old thing that is just still here today.