Ovulation, Fertilization, Implantation -
1st Trimester: Week 1
The mom is not actually Pregnant, the mother's last period is occuring. -
Week 2
The uterine beginning in preparation for pregnancy. Ovulation is occur. -
Week 3
The fertilization egg divide in hundreds of cells now called blastocyst, blastocyst begins implanting itself into the lining of the uterine. -
Week 4
Implantation has occurred, the embryo divides in one half sticks to the uterine wall and becomes the placenta. -
Week 5
The embryo will have developed a beating heart by the end of the week, and the symptom of missing period become evident. -
Week 6
The rapid embryo growth, physical sensations become pronounced such as morning sickness and food cravings. -
Week 7
The embryo starts developing the brain and face and more features begin to develop. -
Week 8
Now the embryo called fetus is about the size of a pumpkin, the body begins to form along with more physical features. -
Week 9
The mother starts to experience mood swings, the first fetal movements can be detected using an ultrasound. -
Week 10
In this week most of the organ and organs system have been developed and present in miniature form. -
Week 11
Marks the end of the embryonic period, hairs follicles of the skin are forming. -
Week 12
The symptoms in the mother such as morning sickness should be lessening and energy is increase. -
Week 13
The last week of the first trimester, the fetus can now flex its arms and move its legs. -
2nd Trimester: Week 14
The fetus begins to develop a soft, fine hair all over its body. Mother's hormones are leveling thus less nausea, urination and exhaustion. -
Week 15
Fetus becoming more mobile and flexible and the mother can be experiencing abdominal pain, leaking breasts, skin changes, etc. -
Week 16
Fetus is approximately 4.3 to 4.6 inches long and begin moving inside the mother. -
Week 17
The rapid growth of the fetus begins to slow, the mother may have gained five to 10 lbs. -
Week 18
Mother should be able to feel the baby move and her abdomen make jerky movements. -
Week 19
The fetus is developing millions of motor neurons they are nerves that connect the muscles to the brain. -
week 20
Is the halfway point in the pregnancy and the mother should be feeling quickening movements. -
Week 21
Fetus becoming more active is able to swallow. -
Week 22
The fetus is completely covered with lanugo. -
Week 23
Fetus skin in wrinkled more translucent than before and pink to red in color. -
Week 24
The fetus is regularly sleeping and waking and the real hair is growing. -
Week 25
The fetus be able to respond to the familiar sounds by moving. -
Week 26
Lungs beginning to reproduce, this substance allows the air sacs in the lungs to inflate and keep them collapsing. -
Week 27
Marks the end of the second trimester, lungs and nervous system are continuing to mature. -
Parental Care: Second Trimester Visits
Check pressure, weight and how the baby is progressing by checking his heart and his movements. -
3rd Trimester: Week 28
Fetus is gaining weight and smoothing out many of the wrinkles in the skin and now is approximately 10 inches long and 1/4 lbs. -
Week 29
The bones are full develop but they still soft. -
Week 30
Fetus has red blood cells which are now forming in the bone marrow. -
Week 31
Central nervous system matured to the stage control body temperature. -
Week 32
The body of the fetus starts absorbing vitals minerals. Although the lungs are not fully formed. -
Week 33
Fetus pupils can constrict, dilate and detect light entering their eyes. -
Week 34
Fingernails reached the fingertips. The vernix caseosa protest the skin. -
Week 35
Limbs are gaining thickness and the weight of the fetus rapidly approximately 1/2 lb per week next month. -
Week 36
Movements of the fetus need should be monitored. -
Week 37
Organs are ready to function on their own and fetus begin descending into the mother's pelvis. -
Week 38
The fetus begins developing a firm grasp. The fetus weighs is approximately about 6 1/2 lbs. -
Week 39
Week in which the fetus is full term and is becoming more prominent. The placenta supply the fetus with antibodies that help fight infection after birth. -
Week 40
The Due Date