Pre-labor signs
Water breaks, weight gain stops, stronger and more frequent contractions -
early labor
The cervix opens to 4 centimeters, if you can't talk during contractions then you are moving into active labor -
transition to second stage
the cervix opens from 7-10, contractions occur every 2-3 minutes and last 60-90 seconds -
second stage of labor
the cervix is completely open, contractions push the baby done the birth canal -
third stage of labor
after the birth of your baby, the uterus continues to contract to push out the placenta, 5-15 minutes after the birth of the baby -
4th stage of labor
baby and placenta are born, Nursing right after birth will help your uterus to contract and will decrease the amount of bleeding -
First stage of labor
contractions help your cervix to thing and begin to open -
active labor
the cervix opens from 4-7, contractions every 3-4 minutes each about 60 seconds this is when you should go to a hospital