SS timeline

  • treaty of paris

    treaty was signed ending the french and Indian war
  • King George III signs the proclamation

  • sugar act

    they made it to make money since they lost a lot from the french and Indian war
  • currency act

    passed and prohibited the issuance of paper bills (or money) in the colonies.
  • James otis made a slogan

    James Otis made a slogan no taxation without representation
  • boycotting

    Boston merchants begin to boycott items from britain
  • navigation act

    they were more strict about following the act
  • stamp act

    the first "direct tax" on American colonies, is passed and will place a tax on all printed items.
  • quartering act

    passed forcing colonists to provide housing to British soldiers in America
  • treason speech

    patrick henry gives "treason" speech in the Virginia House of Burgesses
  • \ Massachusetts Assembly

    Letter to the other colonies to organize opposition to Stamp Act
  • sons of liberty

    he Sons of Liberty hang Andrew Oliver in effigy for enforcing the Stamp Act
  • stamp act congress

    meets in New York City and adjourns
  • stamp act

    stamp act goes into effect
  • Period: to

    stamp act riot

    colonists use violence was used to intimidate potential tax agents in New York city