Louis calls for Estate General
This meeting was the first called in 175 years to help solve the financial problems in France due to the extravagent royal life and them allying with the Americans during their revolution. Each of the three estates would join together seperatley to stratagize on how to solve the problem, however, the third estate would be out voted by the first and second to keep their power alive. -
Period: to
French Revolution
Tennis Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath was a plead from the third estate during the estate general to change the French Constitution to provide a more equal society between all citizens. King Louis locked them out of the meeting so the members raided a near-by tennis court refusing to leave until the king would consider changing the constitution. -
Storming of the Bastille
After the king considered a new constitution, the peasants were not pleased with the way things were going so they stormed Bastille in Paris. The Bastilles was a prision were criminals were kept before their execution. This event is thought to be the beginning of the French Revolution and is now celebrated in France as an independance day. -
March to Versailles
The march to Versailles was sparked by the growing food shortage in the third estate. Women from everyone gathered to march to the royal palace of Versailles to demand a change. The queen was to blame since she paid little attention to lower class and more on her extravagent life style. -
Louis XVI trial
Louis XVI was the king during the time of the French revolution. The purpose of the revolution was to deteriorate the monarchial reign and make France a republic. Louis undertook many changes which sparked him to attempt to run away to Austria with his family. After being caught he was brought to jail and was but on trial, accused of treason along with many other felonies. -
Robespierre comes to power
Maximilien de Robespierre started his career off as a highly trained lawyer but had a calling in politics. Once the French Revolution started, Robespierre became a spokes person and influencial speaker for the third estate. -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
During the Frech revolution, a conflict of interests between the two political groups enticed violence between citizens. The Jacobins and the Girondins expelled any threats of unrevolutionary ideas through execution. -
Robespierre's killing
Robespierre's early political career was influencial in many ways, however, the farther he got in his career, the more passionate he got about non-revolutionary acts. After the Reign of Terror, which he supported, came to an end, he was disliked by many. As an act of suicide, Robespierre shot himself in the jaw leavin him little time before he was executed by the guillotine.