Period: 700 BCE to 476
The history of Rome
The city of Rome is existant for this length of time -
Period: 616 BCE to 509 BCE
Etruscan rule over Rome( patricians and plebeians)
The Etruscans rule over Rome's patricians, who themselves govern the plebeians. Patricians come to resent Etruscan rule. -
509 BCE
Rome becomes self-ruling
Rome rebels against the Etruscan rule led by Brutus and becomes self- governing. -
Period: 509 BCE to 14
Expansion of Rome
The city of Rome becomes an empire -
Period: 509 BCE to 264 BCE
1st expansion of Rome
The Romans conquered the whole of Italy through expansion this period -
Period: 509 BCE to 494 BCE
Patricians rule Rome
A republic with a council of patricians rule Rome -
494 BCE
Rebellion of the plebeians
The plebeians demand a spot on the council, as well as more in terms of power -
Period: 494 BCE to 294 BCE
Plebeians gain power
Plebeians gain more power over this time -
493 BCE
Treaty with the Latins
The Roman and Latin countries become allies through a contract with the Latins made by the Romans. -
451 BCE
12 Rules set in stone
unchangeable rules are made and used by patricians and enforced by plebeians. -
390 BCE
Gauls burn and raze city.
The Gauls attack the main city of Rome and burn and Raze it while the main army is on a raid. -
367 BCE
Consul seats for Rome are Plebeians and patricians
one consul had to be a plebeian. -
275 BCE
Complete conquest of italian peninsula
The Romans conquer the entire peninsula of Italy and expand the empire -
264 BCE
Rome gains more power
Rome has the largest army in the entire Mediterranean area -
Period: 246 BCE to 146 BCE
2nd period of expansion
Rome fights Carthage and gains land and expands to an empire -
241 BCE
Victory at first Punic war
The Romans win the Punic War through a decisive sea battle -
237 BCE
Plebeians can pass laws
plebeians gain the power to pass laws for all Roman citizens -
218 BCE
Start of second punic war
The Carthaginians decide to attack and are stopped after a battle. -
202 BCE
Romans attack Carthage
The Romans attack the home of the Carthaginians and win. -
146 BCE
Third punic war
aggravated bu Cato, the Romans attack and burn Carthage to the ground and sell its inhabitants as slaves. -
Period: 145 BCE to 44 BCE
3rd period of expansion
Rome expands into the Mediterranean seas and area -
91 BCE
The Italians rebel
the Italian people of the peninsula rebel for citizenship. -
73 BCE
Slave revolt
Spartacus revolts with his fellow gladiators. -
49 BCE
Caesar gains power
Caesar marches on Rome with his army and gains dictatorship -
44 BCE
Caesar dies
his enemies stab him to death as he enters the senate. -
Period: 44 BCE to 14
4th period of expansion
The new empire of Rome expands once again -
31 BCE
Octavian comes to be emperor of rome
Octavian becomes the emperor of the empire of Rome. -
Period: 31 BCE to 169
Pax Romana
the empire is at peace for this time period.