Day 1
78% humidity with a temperature of 72 degrees F. It was a cloudy day with no sunlight.There was no evidence of any bone shown on day one. -
Period: to
Day 2
partly cloudy, 72% humid. With a temperature of 72 degrees F, with 12 mph winds.There was light rain the night before and possibly contrubuted to the faster decomp. Animal is looking the same. -
Day 3
Weekend -
Day 4
Weekend -
Day 5
Today it is currently partly cloudy, with a high of 77 and a low of 61. The humidity is 55% with 10% chance of rain. The UV index is 4 and visibility is 10 mi. The squirrel had a strong and rotten smell. Flys were sourroudning the bucket. -
Day 6
Today is mostly cloudy, with a high of 73 and a low of 63. There is a 30% chance of rain and 46% of humidity. Today, there was not a heavy smell. The head of the squirrel has started to decay and a few magets were around the bucket. -
Day 7
Today, we poked holes in our bucket so that excess air and rain could decompose the body faster. It is currently cloudy, with a high of 72 and rain tonight, with a low of 66. No larva has been on our animal yet. -
Day 8
After poking holes in the bucket, we noticed that our animal started to decay faster after the rain and exposure to air. Our animals skull was flattened and only bones were left. Today it is cloudy, with a high of 84 and a low of 70. There was one bug on the animals stomach measuring .5 cm. -
Day 9
Today there were no bugs on our animal. Today it is currently cloudy, with a high of 82 and a low of 70. There is a 20% chance of rain. Our animal is starting to decay into just bone. -
Day 10
Weekend -
Day 11
Weekend -
Day 13
The weather was a temp of 75 degreesF. With a humitity of 80% and winds of 11mph. It was very cloudy and wet. There is no bone at the scene but decaying has slowed down. Very pungent smell and has decreased in size. Blow flies and maggots were present.