Spuntnik 1
First satilite to orbit earth -
Period: to
Race to Space
First animal in space
Laika was the first animal in space -
First Man
Yuri Gagarin was the first man to orbit earth -
First American
Alan Sheperd was one of the Mercury 7 and was the first American in Space. -
First Orbit
John Glenn was the first man to orbit Earth -
Woman in Space
Valentina was the frist woman to go to space -
Space Walking
Alexei was the first man to walk while in space. -
A Passby
Mariner 4 passes by mars when on the mission to mars -
Moon Landings
Apollo 11 lands on moon and Neil Armstgrong's famous words are "One small step for man, one giant leep for mankind." -
A Orbit Worth Taking
The Mariner 9 orbits Mars as a satilite offically of Mars. As arrival apoun mars being November 13, 1971 -
A Station of the U.S.
the U.S. launched it's first stailite in to orbit, but it was only the begining -
A Farout Fly
Pioneer 10 made its first pass of Jupirter also being the first spacecraft to pass through the astroid belt to the sector of the outer planets. It now flies as a silent ghost ship in space. -
A Union for Space
As a group effort the U.S. and U.S.S.R. launched the Apollo-Soyuz on U.S. soil. this was the official end of the Race to Space. -
A long way to go
The Viking 1 touched down on Mars as the first of 2 Mars Rovers. -
A Start of Station Living
This was the first launch of a space shuttle. Space shuttle columbia had started this whole space shuttle program -
A Woman!
Sally Ride was the first American woman into space. -
First Time Failure
As the Challenger left the atmoshpere is was blown in to pieces with a sad ending for the astronauts who died on that space shuttle. -
Teacher Power
First teacher to go to space although it was a short flight -
A Satilite for U.S.S.R.
The Mir was a russian satilite that went up in space -
Space Obsevations
The Hubble Space Telescope was launched to study far off objects in space. -
A Shared Station
First space station used by multiple countries. Although it was assembeled in parts the first pat was sent up on this day. -
A Sad Departure
The Columbia space shuttle explodes while reentering the atmoshere even after starting the space shuttle program