20130101 german bishops large

Spread of Christianity in Germany

By St.
  • 300

    Founding Dioceses in Germany

    First sign of Catholicism
  • 324

    Constantine Conquers Eastern Germany

    Spread religion as country was invaded
  • 355

    Athanasius Condemned by Emporer Constantinople

    Christian man condemned by Emperor Constantinople
  • 744

    First Monastery in Germany

    Saint Boniface founds the first monastery in germany
  • 996

    Pope Gregory V

    Pope Gregory V becomes the first Pope from Germany.
  • 1144

    Second Crusade

    Germany joins the Second Crusade
  • 1190

    Teutonic Knights

    German lords found the Teutonic Knights, a Catholic religious and military order
  • 1200

    Roman Catholiscism

    Roman Catholicism fully spreads through Germany
  • Period: 1517 to

    Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation in order to reform Catholicism (mainly on the basis of being forgiven by confessing sins)
  • 1521

    Diet of Worms

    Martin Luther is on trial for denouncing the word of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, and defending Protestantism.
  • 1521

    Diet of Worms

    Martin Luther is on trial in Worms, Germany for his teachings and opposition to the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
  • Period: to

    Thirty Years' War

    War between Protestants and Catholics throughout Europe, mostly in Germany
    ⅔ of the population eventually became Protestant
    Divided Germany