Sports Psychology

By kocikm
  • The Beginning

    The earliest recording of sports psychology being used is in the late 19th century. It was started by furthering psychologist Norman Triplett's work that he did on a study on cyclists in 1898.
  • First Sport Psych Lab

    In 1925, psychologist Coleman Griffith founded the first American sport psych lab at the University of Illinois. Unfortunately due to a lack of funds and interest, the lab was shut down in 1932.
  • more involvement

    In 1951, psychologist David F. Tracy was hired by the St. Louis Browns to bring a "scientific attitude" to the recruitment process.
  • Research Opportunities

    The Philadelphia Phillies partnered with University of Delaware professors to found a research program for baseball.
  • Official Involvement

    In the 1980s, the Athletic Motivation Inventory became a standard test tool in professional baseball scouting.
  • Growing Importance

    Although there is not a lot of history to the profession, the need for sports psychology/psychologists is becoming more and more important as mental health awareness grows. Now, many college and professional sports teams travel with a sports psychologist as a relief option available to the athletes who are struggling mentally.
  • work cited

    Sport Psychology and Its History. (2011, July 15). Psych Central.