Spice Trade

  • 1500


    Netherlands was part of Holy Roman Empire, later Protestant Northern Province want independence.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Spice Control

    Portugal controlled spice trade between Europe and Asia.
  • 1510


    Portuguese seize island of Goa to make a military/commercial base.
  • Period: 1510 to 1560

    Trading Empire

    Portuguese built trading empire with military and merchant outposts in Southeast Asia.
  • 1511


    Portugal takes island of Malacca under Albuquerque.
  • Period: 1520 to 1570

    *Colonization of Philippines

    Within about 50 years Spain had conquered and colonized the Philippines.
  • 1521


    Magellan claimed the archipelago (Philippines) for Spain.*
  • 1526

    Mughal Empire

    Mughal Empire started and for 200 years was peaceful, prosperous, and strong. King Affonso writes a complaint letter to King John III of Portugal.
  • Asian Trade

    Dutch return w/ships from Asia full of spices, leading to an increase in overseas trade.
  • Dutch East India Company

    A group of wealthy Dutch merchants formed the Dutch East India Company.
  • Chinese Trade

    Dutch captured Malacca from the Portuguese and opened trade with China.
  • Period: to

    The 1700s

    All of the 1700s: Growing power of England and France contributed to the decline of the Dutch Trading Empire in the East.
    Mid-1700s: The British and the French had become locked in bitter struggle for global power.
    Late 1700s: Britain has used it's great wealth to dominate much of India.
  • Indonesian Empire

    The Dutch maintained an empire in Indonesia.