Spice Trade

  • 1500

    Portugal controls spice trade

    Portugal controls spice trade
    Most of the 1500s Portugal controls the spice trade between Europe and Asia
  • 1500

    Northern Provinces win independence

    Northern Provinces win independence
    In the early 1500s Netherlands was part of the Roman Holy Empire, later protestant Northern Provinces won independence
  • 1510

    Portuguese seize Goa

    Portuguese seize Goa
    Portuguese seize the island of Goa, to make it a military and commercial base.
  • 1510

    Portuguese builds trading empire

    Portuguese builds trading empire
    Portuguese builds a trading empire in South East Asia from 1510-1560
  • 1511

    Portuguese take over Malacca port

    Portuguese take over Malacca port
    Portuguese take over the port of Malacca in East Indies, and massacred all the Muslims
  • 1521

    Archipelago claimed for Spain

    Archipelago claimed for Spain
    Magellan claimed the archipelago for Spain and named it the Philippines. Named it after Spanish king Philip the 2nd.
  • Period: 1521 to 1571

    Portuguese build trading empire

    In less than 50 years the Portuguese had built a trading empire with military and merchant outposts
  • 1526

    Mughal Empire started

    Mughal Empire started
    Mughal empire started and for 200 years it was peaceful, prosperous, and strong
  • 1571

    Spain conquer and colonized Philippine Islands

    Spain conquer and colonized Philippine Islands
    Spain conquered and colonized the Philippine Islands
  • Increase in overseas trade

    Increase in overseas trade
    Dutch ships return from Asia full of spices after a years absence. This led to an increase in overseas trade.
  • Dutch East India Company

    Dutch East India Company
    Wealthy Dutch merchants formed the Dutch East India Company
  • Dutch capture Malacca from Portuguese

    Dutch capture Malacca from Portuguese
    Dutch captured Malacca from Portuguese and opened trade with China
  • Decline of Dutch trading empire

    Decline of Dutch trading empire
    The growing power of England and France contributed to the decline of the Dutch trading empire in the East
  • British and France decline

    British and France decline
    British and France become locked in a bitter struggle for global power
  • Britain dominates most of India

    Britain dominates most of India
    Britain had used its great wealth to dominate most of India
  • Dutch maintains Empire

    Dutch maintains Empire
    Dutch maintained an empire in Indonesia