Brown vs. Board of Education
This court case allowed for students to become desegregated in the classroom. In this case it desegregated whites and blacks, but it paved the way for inclusion. This case showed people that segregated classrooms are wrong, therefore students with disabilities should also not be segregated. -
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
This act, passed in 1965, is the groundwork for equal opportunity for all students. This act allows for special help for students of all different backgrounds, talents, and hardships. The elementary and secondary education act allows for all students to have the opportunity of working with Title 1, if needed. -
Section 504
"Section 504 is a federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education" (Protecting Students With Disabilities). Section 504 allows all students with disabilities to be treated equally. It also allows for the students to have the opportunity to get the same education as mainstream students. -
The Education for the Handicapped Act
The education for the handicapped act allows for students with disabilities to obtain their education free of charge from public agencies. This is where IEP's were first developed. This allows students, ages 5-21, with any type of disability to get a public education. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was passed October 30th 1990. It has been modified and added to many times. The most recent modification was in 2011. This act was passed to "make sure that children with disabilities have the opportunity to receive a free, appropriate public education, just like other children. IDEA requires that special education and related services be made available to every eligible child with a disability" (Individuals With Disabilities Education Act). -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act, passed on January 8th 2002, "requires that at least 95% of students with disabilities participate in the statewide assessments that are used as standard measures of yearly progress for school-aged students" (Vaughn, Bos, & Schumm, p. 28). This allows for testing accommodations for students with any disabilities. -
The Every Student Succeeds Act
This law allows for all students to get an education with equal opportunity to succeed. "The previous version of the law, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, was enacted in 2002. NCLB represented a significant step forward for our nation’s children in many respects, particularly as it shined a light on where students were making progress and where they needed additional support, regardless of race, income, zip code, disability, home language, or background"