SPED Law Timeline

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The law behind this case was passed in 1954. This law was not specifically related to special education but it was a major milestone fighting against segregation from school, whether it be color or due to something that requires special education services. Picture credit to (Liptak, 2006)
  • ESEA

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act was put into place as a part of the "War on Poverty". This act helped all children gain equal access to education and also helped gain federal funding for those who were majorly affected by poverty.
  • PARC v. Pennsylvania

    PARC v. Pennsylvania
    This law stated that all children with mental retardation had to be provided the access to free public education just like their peers who were children without mental retardation. These students educational needs needed to be based on proper evaluations by someone certified to do so.
  • Mills v. Board of Education

    Mills v. Board of Education
    This case came about because a group of students were "improperly excluded from school". The final ruling of this case made it to where the Federal Board of Education could not deny individuals with disabilities access to public school education opportunities.

    The Education of All Handicapped Children's Act was enacted in 1975. This was used until 2002 when No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was enacted. IEP's are beginning to be required. LRE is first defined under this law. President Ford signed; also known as Public Law 94-142.
  • Amendments to EAHCA

    Amendments to EAHCA
    From the time that a child is born, each state provides services to each individual family. Early Intervention Programs are put in place for children under three years old.

    Due to the amendment of EAHCA in 1976 (Public Law 99-457), there was a need for significant changes within this law. Two new disability categories were added, TBI and autism. New changes about IEP's were made. Photo credit to (Charlottesville City Schools).
  • IDEA

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was what the EAHCA became after many amendments. This gave all students the same amount of access to materials whether they require special education services or not. The general education teacher and student are now required to participate in IEP assessment. Photo credit to (London Independent School District).
  • NCLB

    The No Child Left Behind Act is a general education act put into place to make sure that standardized testing was made a part of the school system. This made it possible to see if students were meeting each states academic standards. Photo credit to (Dalbey, 2013).

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act was an amendment to IDEA which put into motion the early intervention for students and raised the standards for those who teach special education. Photo credit to (Creslane Elementary).