Individuals with disability education act
In the early 1950s and 1960s, little to no attention was given those with special needs. When the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was signed, those with special needs or a disability became aware of benefits available for both children and adults. -
Brown v. Board Of Education of Topeka, Kanas
In 1954 the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (347 U.S. 483) helped implement equal education to all students. This movement secured equal education for those with a disability. -
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973
PL 93-112 protected children and adults with a disability against discrimination. Section 504 also determined the guidelines for those with a disability to qualify for services. 1. a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities; 2. Have record of an impairment or regarded having an impairment by others. -
Public Law 94-142
Public law 94-142 ensured children identified with exceptionalities or special needs receive free and appropriate public education. This law also stated that students with special needs receive related services to meet their individual needs. -
Public law 101-336 American with Disability Act
This law aligns with section 504 PL 93-112 in protection against discrimination in both public and private settings. This law was signed in 1990 by George H.W. Bush and is considered one of the most significant laws for these with a disability. -
No Child left Behind Act
in 2001 the No Child left behind act was reauthorized in Secondary and elementary schools (PL 107-110). This law held those accountable for test scores in which require students to be proficient in math, reading and science. If schools did not meet the requirements under this law for 3 consecutive years the discreet is required to provide supplemental instruction. -
Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act
In 2004 the Individuals with disabilities education improvement Act (PL 108-446) was reauthorized created more opportunities for those with special needs and disabilities.Under this law it ensured access to resources that would improve educational performance. -
Identification and Assessment of Individual differences
It is important to know regardless if two children share the same label, such as a learning disability, that they are not alike. a common misconception is because they share the same label many believe they share commonalities in how they learn when in fact they do not. "No two children are alike" therefore their needs must be individualized based on their needs. -
PL 114-95
In 2015 President Obama signed into law PL 114-95. According to the text this was the 7th reauthorization of PL 89-10 now referred to as PL 107-110. Although the intent was accountability, this law does not require states to adopt common core state standards and with this, it is likely more changes will come that will not only affect the general education but special education. -
PL 110-325
In 2009 PL 110-325 went into affect overturning two supreme court decisions in which defined the meaning of "Disability." Changes were to include activities not expressively stipulated and major bodily functions on the noninclusive list.