SPED History Timeline

  • Treatment up to the 1700's

    Treatment up to the 1700's
    Most people with disabilities lived in the streets and were beggars. Having a disability was a death sentence in some instances.
  • Institution for Blind Children

    Institution for Blind Children
    Valentin Hauy established the first institution for blind children to help make life more tolerable.
  • Treatment in the 1800's

    Treatment in the 1800's
    Developmentally disabled children and adults were treated like they didn't matter. They were put into institutions for the rest of their lives.
  • First Deaf School in America

    First Deaf School in America
    The first permanent deaf school in America which marked the beginning of efforts in America to educate people with disabilities.
  • Braille

    Louis Braille invents raised point alphabet.
  • Treatment in the 1900's

    Treatment in the 1900's
    People with disabilities were segregated from everyone else.
  • Eugenics Law

    Eugenics Law
    Eugenics were for "confirmed idiots, imbeciles, and rapists." People with disabilities were sterilized so they wouldn't be able to have children.
  • The Threat of the Feeble Minded

    This pamphlet set the stage for rights of people with disabilities.
  • Study of Dyslexia

    Study of Dyslexia
    Samuel Orton begins the study of dyslexia and hypothesized that it could be neurological verses visual.
  • Describing Autism

    Describing Autism
    Dr. Leo Kanner described autism for the first time after he studied children who had withdrawn from human contact.
  • Architectural Barriers Act

    Architectural Barriers Act
    Requires that all buildings designed, constructed, altered, or leased with federal funds to be made accessible.
  • Section 504

    Section 504 was passed by congress
  • IDEA

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act guarantees free and appropriate education for all disabled children.
  • ADA

    Americans with Disabilities Act recognizes and protects the civil rights of people with disabilities.
  • History Overview

    History Overview