Special needs 1

Special Needs In United States History

  • Council, Exceptional Students

    Council, Exceptional Students
    Council for Exceptional Children works to inform parents, teachers, and administration about the education of individuals with disabilities. Founded in May 16th 1922, the council is still going on today with its headquarters in Arlington Virginia. https://www.cec.sped.org/
  • The ARC

    The ARC
    The Arc was a group of parents advocating for the education for children with disabilities. The Arc has since expanded to many different states with large chapters fight for fair treatment for all children with disabilities.
  • Brown V. Education

    Brown V. Education
    While the Brown vs Board of Education case focuses mainly on segregation issues in public schools, it set the path for future legislation for individuals with disabilities.
  • Public Welfare v. Haas

    Public Welfare v. Haas
    The Supreme Court of Illinois maintained that the state’s compulsory education laws did not require a “free public education for the ‘feebleminded’ or to children who were ‘mentally deficient’ and who, because of their limited intelligence were unable to reap the benefits of a good education,
  • ESEA

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act was signed by President Johnson on April 11th 1965. While the act didn't make it law to educate children with disabilities, the act provided funding for schools that did.
  • Handicapped Act

    Handicapped Act
    The president signed the Handicapped Children Education Assistance Act on September 30th 1968. The law provided establishment of 75 to 100 model programs designed to developed approaches in assisting preschool aged handicapped children.
  • Rehabilitation Act

    Rehabilitation Act
    The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by federal agencies, in programs receiving federal financial assistance. This also applies to post secondary schools where colleges has to make accommodations for students with disabilities.
  • ADA

    Expanded civil rights protection for individuals with disabilities in employment, public services, public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunication. Public school buildings must have accessible areas, also there has been a recent push to make sure all public websites are ADA Compliant.
  • IDEA

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensured that students with disabilities would be granted a free and appropriate public education that would be designed to address their specific needs. Each student with a disability would have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that outlines specific goals and milestones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XMndYNEGFA
  • AT Act

    AT Act
    The Assistive Technology Act gave awareness to devices to be used to help assist special needs children with their learning. It promoted independent participation with learning, employment and various daily activities.