Special Education Timetoast

  • Formal Deaf Education in the United States

    First formal deaf school in Connecticut was the start of efforts to begin education for people with disabilities
  • Signing of Social Security Act

    President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act which established a permanent program to assist with people with disabilities
  • Braille Code

    Braille Code
    Louis Braille publishes the Braille Code
  • Seeing Eye Dogs

    Seeing Eye Dogs
    Seeing Eye dogs for the blind is introduced in the United States
  • United Cerebral Palsy (UCP)

    United Cerebral Palsy (UCP)
    The UCP association is founded.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Paved the way for students with disabilities to have equal access in schools
  • Special Olympics

    Special Olympics
    Eunice Kennedy Shriver founded the Special Olympics which provided athletic training and competition for people with disabilities
  • Architectural Barriers Act

    This made the removal of any barrier or obstacle to employment or other buildings through federal funding
  • Section 504 of Americans with Disabilities Act

    Illegal for programs that receive federal funding to discriminate against those with disabilities.
  • The Education for all Handicapped Children Act

    The Education for all Handicapped Children Act
    Allowed students with disabilities to go to their nearest local "mainstream" school, instead of having to get sent far away or go to institutions
  • American with Disabilities for Accessible Public Transportation (ADAPT)

    Began to help provide campaigns that would support lifts on buses and access to public transit for people with disabilities.
  • Reauthorization of Education for all Handicapped Children Act

    Children ages 3-5 with disabilities or learning delays can begin receiving services before they reach school age
  • The Handicapped Children's Protective Act

    HCPA was created to instate provisions not covered by the EHA, meaning they authorize reasonable attorney fees, expenses and costs to the guardian of a child with disabilities going through a civil suit
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    Six pillars which IDEA ensures are Individualized Education Program (IEP), Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), Free Appropriate Education Act, set of procedural safeguards, use of appropriate evaluation process, and cross collaboration
  • The Assistive Technology Act

    Provides assistive technology for people with disabilities to fully participate in education, employment and daily activities
  • Carson Bennet

    My best friends younger brother is autistic and Ive seen how cruel kids can be to him
  • Meeting John

    John is my deaf next door neighbor in my house growing up as a kid. He is the first deaf person I have ever met
  • Best Buddies

    Best Buddies
    Joining best buddies my freshmen year of high school
  • Teaching Assistant

    Teaching Assistant
    First time helping out in a special education classroom
  • Endrew F V. Douglas County School District

    Encouraged IEP's to include ambitious milestones for all students
  • EDSP 430

    Taking this class and excited to learn more!