Special Education Timeline

  • 982


    The Supreme Court identified the standard for FAPE. FAPE requires that a child’s IEP be designed to allow her to receive educational benefits.
  • Programs for learning disabilities more common

    Programs for children with specific learning disabilities became more common
  • Families advocate for children with disabilities

    Family associations began forming and advocating for the rights of children with disabilities.
  • Brown Vs Board of Education

    Trial ruled that laws that seperated schools by color were unconstitutional.
  • Elementary and Secondary Assistance Act & State School Act

    Granted funds to states to help educate children with disabilities.
  • Pennsylvania Association of Retarded Children (PARC) . Commonwealth of Penns

    This court case was brought forth by the PARC to defend the rights of students with mental retardation of receiving an adequate public education
  • First Center of Independent Living

    facility provided services for people with disabilities with the goal to allow them to live in the community comfortably
  • Congressional Investigation

    Congress launched an investigation into the status of children with disabilities and found that millions of children were not receiving an appropriate education.
  • Rehabilitation Act

    Section 504 guaranteed civil rights for the disabled in the context of federally funded institutions.
  • Education for all Handicapped Children Act

    law was passed that recognized the need for special education services for those who were diagnosed with learning disabilities
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Provided individuals with identified disabilities similar protections from discrimination as those granted by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • EHA reformulated as IDEA

    IDEA elaborated on the inclusion of students with disabilities into regular classes.
  • IDEA reauthorized

    Emphasized academic outcomes for students with disabilities.
  • No child left behind Act

    he requirement to have all students to be proficient in reading and math by 2014
  • RTI began

    The use of scientific, research-based interventions because of changes in the law.
  • IDEA should have been reauthorized

    Reauthorization was delayed because of changes made to NCLB.
  • Waivers for NCLB

    waivers for flexibility in meeting some of the requirements in the NCLB act
  • Doug C Vs Hawaii

    Court case regarding parent attendance during an IEP meeting.
  • Teachers of the Deaf Act

    Provided training of teachers to work with deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Handicapped Children’s Early Education Assistance Act

    Funded early childhood intervention for children with disabilities.