Special Education Timeline

  • The Founding of the American School for the Deaf

    The American School for the Deaf was founded on April 15th, 1817 in Hartford Connecticut. The school was the first of its kind.
  • Perkins Institution for the Blind

    The Perkins Institution for the Blind was founded in 1832, in Massachusetts. This boarding school like school allowed students with disabilities a chance for an education.
  • Columbia Institution

    This institution was allowed to grant college degrees to people with disabilities.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    The Supreme Court upheld the Louisan separate car act. This gave the idea of separate, but equal
  • Council for Exceptional Children

    The Council for Exceptional Children is the first advocacy group for children with disabilities.This group ensures that all students receive FAPE (Fair Appropriate Public Education).
  • The classification of Autism

    The classification of Autism was introduced by Dr. Leo Lanner of John Hopkins University
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    The ESEA gave grants to state school sand institution that put into place programs to educate students with disabilities.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    The act made sure all students with disabilities are educated in public schools.
  • Handicapped Children's Protection Act

    This act gave parents of children with disabilities more say in their child's individual Education Plan (IEP)
  • Birthday (Personal Info)

    I was born on this day in Los Angeles, California!
  • IDEA

    The Individual with Disabilities Education Act was signed into law by President George Bush. this act included six pillars: FAPE, LRE, IEP, evaluation, parents/students involvement, and procedural safeguards for participants. This act was reauthorized on December, 3rd 2004.
  • Received my First Guitar (Personal Info)

    On this day, I received my first guitar for Christmas. Little did we know this would be a pivotal moment in my life.
  • Graduated High School (Personal Info)

    I graduated with honors from Daniel Pearl Magnet High School. This school was named after Wall Street Journalist Daniel Pearl who was killed in Pakistan by extremist on February 1st, 2002. he attended Birmingham High School, which is where my school was before we branched off into our own independent school.
  • Graduated From College (Personal info)

    Graduated from Sonoma State University with Distinction. I graduated with a B.M. in Jazz Performance and Music Education (with emphasis inn Jazz).
  • Start of Credential Program (Personal Information)

    Started my credential program in hopes to pursue a career in Music Education.