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Special Education Law
Beattie v. Board of Education 1919
After special needs students were expelled from school because they were drooling and had face abnormalities. The special needs students did nothing wrong their peers and teachers just did not like looking at their conditions. This is major because this happened all the time and finally they were able to have justice. Because of this, the justice system became aware of this to begin making change for those with disabilities in schools. -
First Accessibility Standard Published 1950
The Americans Standards Association ( ANSI) published its first accessibility title "Making Buildings Accessible to an Usable by the Physically Handicapped." This was a great step in the right direction due to this all buildings had to be accessible for physically handicapped. This is applicable because this made their lives just a bit easier, they were able to get where they needed to go with slightly less obstacles. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
Congress enacted the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) in 1965 to address the inequality of educational opportunities for underprivileged children. This landmark legislation provided resources to help ensure that disadvantaged students had access to quality education. This is major all children deserve the same quality education. Although this does not deal solely with special education I do believe special education does play a huge role in it giving them all equal opportunities. -
Diana v. State Board of education
The policy of providing FAPE to all students, including students with severe developmental disorders and other handicaps, reflects a relatively new philosophy in public education. This created students to be assessed in their primary language or sections of tests that do not depend on knowledge of English. Due to this children are now able to take the tests in their primary language. -
Education of the Handicapped Act of 1970
Provide state grants to help expand education programs for students with disabilities. Federal government money was given to schools to help train special education teachers better. Because of this law students with disabilities were able to get better support as well as proper education due to their teachers being properly trained in special education. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
This act allows protection from discrimination against special needs and disabilities. This law is considered the first law put into place giving protection to students with special needs. This is an adequate law because it makes sure that the students with disabilities to be met as adequately as their non-disabled peers. This was a great moment for special education it granted protection of those with disabilities and cut down discrimination to keep school safe. -
Education of the Handicapped Act of 1975
Federal funding was provided to those who promised to educate students with disabilities. Started requiring schools to develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This part of the law is applicable due to IEPs being such a huge part of special education to this day, IEPS have provided school staff to communicate and make decisions about the children's next step in their educations. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
Guarantees a free, appropriate, public education for all children with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. With this law, all children were able to get the best education, most support, and at a free price to get all those great things. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
This act required all public schools to accept federal funds to provide equal access to education for children with physical and mental disabilities. Public schools were required to evaluate children with disabilities and create an educational plan with parent input. This act is applicable because of this act funding started being more available for students with disabilities as well as creating more discussion between educators and guardians. -
Timothy W v. Rochester School District
This law came about due to a student was denied special education services because the school felt his disability was "too severe" to benefit. This led to Zero-rejection policy as well as Schools could not deny a child special education services, no matter how severe their disabilities are. This is a huge step for special education because now students with disabilities were able to go to any school they wanted and did not have fear of getting turned away
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The American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. Protections against discrimination to Americans with disabilities which made discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other characteristics illegal. This act was applicable because it protected those with disabilities against discrimination, so all with disabilities had right and not just certain races. -
No Child Left Behind
This Act created schools to be accountable for the academic performance of all students, whether or not they had disabilities. The act requires schools in every state to develop routine assessments of students’ academic skills. This was an important act due to it holding the school accountable for all the children not just the children in general education classrooms. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
The purpose of this act is to provide an education that meets a child’s unique needs and prepares the child for further education, employment, and independent living. The second purpose is to protect the rights of both children with disabilities and their parents. With this, the children and parents got needed support and rights. This puts schools at a higher standard to protect children in education.