Special Education Timeline

  • First Convention Group

    American Association on Mental Deficiency holds first convention-group of parent advocacy group
  • P.L. 89-313

    The elementary and secondary education act- authorized grants to state institution and state operated schools to use for the education of children with disabilities.
  • P.L. 89-750

    established the Bureau of Education of the Handicapped (BEH) and the National Advisory Council (now called the national council on disability)
  • P.L. 91- 230

    The elementary and Secondary Education Act of Amendments of 1970- included title IV and the Education of the Handicapped Act. They established a grand program now known as part B.
  • P.L. 93-280

    the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act gives parents and students 18+ the right to examine their personal file
  • P.L. 94- 142

    Education of the Handicapped Act mandates an appropriate education for all children with disabilities and requires IEPs and LRE.
  • P. L. 98-199

    Education of the Handicap extended to cover parent training and information centers
  • P. L. 99-457

    extended further to include early intervention programs for infants and preschoolers
  • P. L. 101-476

    renames the “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act” (IDEA) added autism and children with traumatic brain injuries to the list of children who are eligible for special education
  • IDEA

    IDEA was reauthorized with better standards such as strengthening parents roles, ensuring access to general curriculum, focusing on teaching a learning while reducing unnecessary paperwork, assisting education agencies in addressing costs, Prevent mislabeling with minority students, ensure school safety and environment conducive for learning, encouraging parent and teacher collaboration.
  • No child left behind

    holds schools accountable for non successful students
  • IDEA Changes

    Changes to IDEA to include evaluation of special education students, child find, IEP development, IEP team meeting, discipline, highly qualified and instructional support services