US Constitution Adopted
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land.Although the Constitution does not specifically take ownership of education, nor does it deny ownership to the states.The three components of the U.S. Constitution that most directly affect education are Article 1, Section 8 and the 1oth and 14th Amendments.This is important to special education students because both state and federal governments can make and regulate their own laws regarding education speifically special ed. -
Civil Rights Act
This Act was important because it made it illegal to discriminate against individuals on the basis of prior servitude, race or color.This is important to special education because they used this act as a precedent to say you could not discriminate based on disability either. -
Plessy vs. Ferguson
In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson the Supreme Court declared it was legal to segregate individuals and have separate facilities so long as they are equal. This was important to special education because they used this case as a precedent to educate special eduaction students in separate classrooms away for regular education students. There was not mainstreaming at this time. Special ed. students were segragated. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
Brown v. Board of Education was seen as a springboard for litigation and legislation that provided individuals with disabilities equal access to a free and appropriate public education. This was important to special education because for the first time special education students were allowed to be educated in the public regular education classroom when apprpriate, -
Mills vs. Board of Education of Disctrict of Columbia
This case claimed that students with disablities were being ecxluded from school. This case was important to special education students because it established due process procedures to ensure all students disabled or non-disabled equal protection under the law. -
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children vs. Pennsylvania
This case involved students with mental retardation being denied their contsitutional right to equal protection under the law.This was important to special education students because the court ruled that students with mental retardation had to be granted an education similar or equal to their non-disabled peers. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilition Act of 1973
This imprtant because it is a civil rights law.It was important to special education students because it was the first comprehensive nationwide law to protect individuals with disabilities in public schools.They have the right to a free and appropriate education i the least restrictive enviornment. -
Public Law No. 94-142
This case ensured a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment for all children with disabilities. This is important to special education students because it dictated procedures to prevent against discrimination against students with disabilities. -
Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District vs. Rowley
The High Court established a "basic floor of responsibility." This states that a school is not required to provide the maximum amount of services to meet the goals of children's IEP's. It ruled schools were only responsible for meeting the basic needs of a child.This was important to special education students in that schools weren't required to provide services above and beyond only the basic necessities. This would later be challenged. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
The ADA is a law to protect people with disablities from being discriminated against. It was designed so that persons with disabilities have equal oppurtunities in five areas. Those were employment, public services, public accomodations,telecommunications, and miscellaneous provisions. It was important to special education students because it protected them not only in school but in the workplace as well.