Elementary and Secondary Education Act title IV
Before the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped was created, disabled Children were not receiving the quality of educaion that they needed. When Titile IV was added to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, It brought funding to help get the programs that schools needed to help children with disabilities. The new law started the movement of better education for those with disabilities, for many years after more laws were created to help the disabled children. -
Equal Protection to Students with Disabilities
Before Section 504 there was disrcimintion in education, employment, housing, and many others areas as well. Section 504 defined who a disabled person was and what was and wasn't considered discrimination of a persons ability. It does not require IEPs but makes sure that a child with disabilities has equal access to education. This law effected schools because the schools had to make sure they were giving every child the same oppurtunity with education. -
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act gave parents access to all information on the student in the school district. Before this act families couldn't see the records that the school had of their chld. This Act was very beneficial to the family because it gave them a chance to see how their child was doing in school and what the district was doing to help their child succeed in education. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Individuals witth Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) makes sure that children with disabilities have the oppurtunity to get the same education as other children for free. IDEA also inluded that students with disabilities be in the Least Retrictive environment and that every child have an Individual Educatoin Plan team. This helps parents by making sure that disabilites get the same education for free. The students get to learn in the same school a other students and get the help that they need. -
No Child Left Behind
No Child Left Behind required that all students even those with disabilities be proficient in reading and math. Before No Child Left behin Act schools were not required to have students take standerized tests.The No Child Left Behind Act requires students to pass the standerized test before gradutaion. The tests help show schools and teachers what they need to approve on to benefit their students and help themto learn more. It also helps parents know that their child is learning in school.