Brown V. Board of Education
-Segregation of students by race was unconstitutional.
-Schools were not aloud to segregate students.
-This would have been "far-reaching" for special education.
-This was a case foe Education of Topeka.
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The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
-Equal access to education for all students.
-Was signed into law by Lyndon B. Johnson.
-This law was part of "War on Poverty."
-Federal funding for both primary and secondary schools.
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The Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
-Placed students with disabilities in public schools.
-The ruling was in favor of students with intellectual and learning disabilities in state-run institution.
-Schools had to set and meet accommodations for students with disabilities.
-Students had to be properly evaluate every student.
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Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia case, the U.S. District Court for the District
-Made it impossible for schools to deny students with mental needs educational opportunity's.
-Students that were "exceptional" included students with mental and learning disabilities.
-The ruling was made that it would be unconstitutional for the D.C. Board of education to deny students in to public education.
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Congressional Investigation
-Congress tried to find out how many real handicapped students there were.
-Congress also set out to find how many students were special ed but not correctly diagnosed.
-The Bureau of education for handicapped students were founding 8million children when in reality it was around 3.9 million.
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Education for all Handicapped Children act
-This was the first special education law passed that was specifically for detecting children with physical and mental disabilities.
-Maintain the correct accommodation for students with disability.
-Gives federal founding to public schools to be able to properly serve students.
https://www.masters-in-special-education.com/lists/5-important-special-education-laws/ -
Public Law 99-457
-States needed to provide help for families with kids that had disabilities.
-Families must be provided with support starting at birth.
-This help from the government was not usually not given until the child was three years old.
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Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
-This act was made to create modifications within education for all handicapped children.
-Students that are handicapped are receiving free modifications in the public school.
-Allows students with special needs to participate in all regular activities.
https://www.masters-in-special-education.com/lists/5-important-special-education-laws/ -
Individualized Education Program
-Students that qualify for different modifications needs a special plan.
-Equal education opportunity for all handicapped children.
-Traumatic brain injury and autism was added to the list of disability.
-Individual plans must be made for all students or ITP, to allow students to properly transition.
https://www.masters-in-special-education.com/lists/5-important-special-education-laws/ -
No Child Left Behind
-Forced schools to take accountability for the academic work of their students.
-Schools have to look at academic progress as a whole with students with disability included.
-Allows state to develop its own educational standards.
-Provides "incentives for schools to demonstrate progress" of all students.