The National Association for Retarted Citizens was created in 1950. NARC was formed by twenty- three individual advocacy groups that believed in one thing, so they joined forces to be more influential. -
Brown v. Board of Education
Supreme court rules that segregation in public schools is unconstitutional. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
This act allows protection from discrimination against special needs and disabilities. A student is eligible when they have a mental or physical disability that deters their learning ability. -
PL 94-142
The PL 94-142- The Education of All Handicapped Children Act was placed into law. Special education advocacy groups rejoiced this day because that's when President Ford signed this into the law. -
Hendrick Hudson School v. Rowley
School sued due to interpreter being taken away from def student -
Board of Ed. of HHCD v. Rowley
This landmark case designed the Rowley Two-Part test in determining whether or not FAPE is being met according to the student's IEP. -
ADA Title II
Americans with Disabilities Act profits discrimination for government services on the basis of a person's disability. -
The Idea of Amendments of 1997
Changed the IEP team and added new components, reorganized the structure of IDEA. -
No Child Left Behind was signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2002. This law calls for all students to proficient in math and reading. -
IDEA Reauthorization
IDEA 2004 was signed into law. This reauthorized of IDEA made many changes to the original IDEA.