Special Education Law Time Line

  • Brown v Board of education

    violation of the 14th amendment
  • section 504

    first PL to protect children and adults of discrimination
  • PL 94-142

    assurance that special needs children would get an education
  • reauthorization of the individuals with disabilities act

    congress re established the IDEA, expanding the rights of special needs students and their parents
  • PL 101-336

    The Americans with Disabilities act is in parallel with Section 504 which forbids discrimination
  • PL 105-17

    bench marks and anual goals emphasized.
  • No Child Left Behind

    required testing for students from 3-8 to asses where they are on the learning scale.
  • Individuals with disabilities education improvement act

    increases the focus on special education students.
  • PL 110-325

    add on to Americans with Disabilities, making it to where students are protected
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    eliminates teacher status of being "highly Qualified"