Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Students between the ages of 6-21 must be given free education regardless of severity of impairment or disability. State must also find and serve all students who may have intellectual disability. -
Larry P. v. Riles
Developing an intellectual assessment to make sure African American children were not being racially or culturally profiled by placing them in classes with other children who had mild intellectual disabilities. If found placing minority students in the wrong class, the assessment was to be taken. -
Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act
This law is a Civil Rights Law, and in section 504 it mentions there can be no discrimination against children and adults solely due to a disability. This includes mental/physical impairment, record of any type of impairment, or regarded as having an impairment. -
Public Law 94-142
Later changed into Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), this law is basically a "Bill of Rights" for exceptional children. This law emphasizes on free education, access to services, and rights of students, parents and guardians are protected. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act
(1975-1997) This law helped people with specific disabilities gain new opportunities through the federal attention. Those who benefited from this law received new opportunities growth in special education overall. -
Public Law 101-336
Known as Americans with Disabilities Act, helps prevent discrimination against people with disabilities- not taking any other factors like race, age, and severity of disability into consideration. Any impairment that limits major life activity is considered a disability. This is including any persons who have AIDS who has been through substance abuse programs or cosmetic disfigurements. -
Agostini v. Felton
The U.S. Supreme Court reversed a long time law and now special educators can give their services in parochial schools (as you know school and church are separate). -
Public Law 105-17
Students were given more services to help them excel in school. Examples are mobility and orientation now considered as related service, assertive technology to help students reach measurable goals, IEP was now required, and regardless of enrollment students still entitled to IEP services. -
No Child Left Behind Act
All children grades 3-8 be assessed through annual test and grades 10-12 be assessed at least once. This would help with seeing the achievement of all students regardless of ability/disability. This should be separated from student's disability, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and even language. -
Every Students Succeeds Act
(Originally 1965 as Elementary and Secondary Education Act) Enforces previous ideas of No Child Left Behind Act along with fixing any flaws and or deficiencies that was brought up by parents, law enforcers, and educators to name a few. This would help identify schools scoring low in assessments/ graduation rates, gives exceptional students access to general education with appropriate curriculum, and still separate assessments from race, ethnicity, socioeconomically status, and disability.