Special Education History

  • Home school or Private education

    Home school or Private education
    In the early 20th century, children with cognitive disabilities were not a part of public schools. Parents had to either home school or have private education provided to their kids with disabilities, which was extremely expensive.
  • The ARC

    The ARC
    The Arc was founded by parents who were denied care for their adult and young children, due their mental disabilities. The parents wanted to change how the world percieved their children, they wanted to acknowlegd others that their childen might not act like normal people but they sure do need the love and care like a normal person does.
  • President’s Panel on Mental Retardation

    President’s Panel on Mental Retardation
    President John F. Kennedy created the President’s Panel on Mental Retardation for childen with disabilities in 1961. The panel was created to come up with a national plan to combat mental retardation in children, The panel included scientists, educators, lawyers, physicians, psychologists and Dr. Elizabeth Boggs, who was connected to the parents movement to advocate for the rights to education for their disable children.
  • Results of Presidential Panel

    Results of Presidential Panel
    In 1962 the Presidential Panel came up with several recommendations to improve the educational structure to comply with the disabled children’s needs, which included preventive health measures, strengthened educational programs, more comprehensive and improved clinical and social services, improved methods and facilities for care, a new legal and social concept of mental retardation.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    In 1965 Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which provided funding for primary education and also included the expansion for public education for disabled children.
  • Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    In 1973 The Rehabilitation Act was passed to protect the civil rights of disable people, for any institution that received any federal funding or assistance was required to accommodate disable children. Section 504 required schools to create access for disable children to school building, and provide them with the same level of education and assistance.
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA)

    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA)
    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) The EHA establishes a right to public education for all children regardless of disability. The act stated that any school that receives federal funding for their school will comply with EHA and will provide necessary resources for handicap children.
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act(IDEA),

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act(IDEA),
    The second law to pass in 1975 was The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which required schools to provide individualized or special education to qualifying children with disabilities.
  • The Americans with Disability Act

    The Americans with Disability Act
    In 1990 congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act also known as ADA, and it was the first comprehensive civil rights law that acknowledged the needs of disable people, it prohibited discrimination of any kind against them, such as employment , public services, telecommunication, and public accommodations.
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
    The special education las has been renames and amended several times since 1975, and in 2004 the law was amended again. This time the law had to main purposes, one to provide education that meets the unique needs of a disable child, second to protect the rights of disable children and their parents.
    In the next video it can be clearly seen how a teacher made it fun to learn for these kids.