Brown V Board of Education
African Amercian right to equal education. -
PARC V Pennsylvania and Mills V D.C. Board of Education
court states that people with disabilities have equal rights and equal opportunities -
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) Now known as IDEA
Said all schools must educate all students with disabilities. -
Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District
Supreme Court ruled all students whole qualify for special education must have access to public schools that meet their needs. -
Irving Independent School District V Tatro
A young girl was denied by the school system to have someone accompany her to the bathroom. The Supreme Court established a law that someone would accompany the person if it was needed. -
Larry P. V Wilson Riles
IQ tests cannot determine whether or not African Amercians are intellectually disabled because of cultural bias. -
Daniel R.R. V State Board of Education
A student with Down's syndrome was denied regular education because she had Down's syndrome. -
Americans With Disabilities Act
A law that states you can not discriminate because of physical or mental disabilities. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act
Says how states and public agencies provide early special education to young children with disabilities. -
No Child Left Behind Act
This law says all states must develope certain skills for each grade level. -
PSSA is revised
Children with intellectual disabilities will have a choice as to whether or not they will take the PSSA test. -
Autism is in the process of being cured
Stem cell research is occuring on curing autism.