Special Education History

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    In this Supreme Court case, it was ruled that it was unconstitutional to segregate schools by race. This became a catalyst for parents of kids with disabilities to argue it was equally unconstitutional to segregate by disability.
  • "To Kill a Mockingbird" Published

  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Also known as ESEA, this act directly addressed education inequality for underprivileged children. While it did not initially address students with disabilities, it was amended in 1966 to do so.
  • PARC vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    This court case involving the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children ruled in favor of the association to help students with disabilities. The case called for students with learning disabilities to be placed in publicly funded school settings that catered to their individualized needs.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    This act required all states to provide equal education access for students with disabilities. This included one free meal per day. In 1976, this act was amended to provide support to families of children with disabilities from birth.
  • "Donkey Kong" Releases in Arcades

  • Handicapped Children’s Protection Act

    This act was signed to give parents of children with disabilities more say in their child's education plan. While these IEPs first began with the Education for all Handicapped Children Act, this act furthered their benefit.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    This act replaced the The Education for all Handicapped Children’s Act. This act emphasized providing all students with the same curriculum and expanded the definition of "developmental delay".
  • First Carolina Hurricanes Game

  • IDEA Amended

    Congress amended IDEA to increase early intervention for students and raise the expectations of special education classes. It also called for relocation of funding for districts where it was found that a disproportionate rate of minority students were placed in special education classes for reasons besides having a disability.
  • Carolina Hurricanes Win the Stanley Cup

  • Shinedown Releases "Amaryllis"

  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    This act reauthorized ESEA after the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 replaced it. While it did not eliminate them, this act sought to modify the standardized tests set in place by No Child Left Behind by offering states more freedom on how they are handled.