
Special Education Events

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This ruling overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling and declared that separate is not equal. This case helped establish that everyone, regardless of race or disability deserved a free education and to not be segregated. I picked this event because when I first became a teacher I had no concept behind the history of special education and all that persons with disabilities had endured across time. It is a huge turning point in the rights of persons with disabilities.
  • US Chapter of TEACCH is founded

    US Chapter of TEACCH is founded
    Eric Schopler founded the U.S. chapter of TEACCH at UNC Chapel Hill. This program was specifically created to help families and educators better understand Autism and how to help persons with Autism push towards independence. I picked this event because going to this training was the first time I got real training on how to understand Autism and to effectively work with persons with Autism. My classroom is always heavy with children with Autism and this was a game changer for me.
  • Least Restrictive Environment

    Least Restrictive Environment
    The least restrictive environment means that in accordance with the student's IEP they will receive services in their least restrictive environment and will be with their non-disabled peers as much as possible, which allows for them to create relationships in more natural ways. I picked this event because this is something that I see many people say the right thing about, but they do not act on it as they should. I also have experienced push back from general education teachers on it.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    This Act ensures that persons with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else in school and at work; it is supposed to level the playing field. It makes sure that if persons with disabilities are discriminated against in any environment there can be legal recourse. I picked this event because I feel as a teacher it is my job to help instill skills that will my students move towards living as independently as possible and this event helps make that possible as well.
  • IDEA

    This Act was signed into law by George Bush and it covers: FAPE, LRE,evaluation, IEP, and outlines procedural safeguards for all participants. This is something that impacts me greatly. We use IDEA to help base all paperwork and evaluations around and to help make sure the best interest of the child is being looked after.
  • CAST launches Pioneer Program

    CAST launches Pioneer Program
    At this point, CAST has been researching classrooms and found that curriculum is a major barrier for many students and they start looking for ways to reduce those curriculum barriers. The beginning of their research into case-based research was the Pioneer Program. I picked this event because UDL has been the concept that has helped me shape how I deliver instruction in my own classroom.
  • IDEA Reauthorized

    This led to more checks and balances to push schools to utilize more resources to help kids so there would be less kids in need of special education. I chose this event, because I am still frustrated by the kids that are left to languish in self-contained because the expectation is so low for them. In the three years I have been in I have pushed three kids out of self-contained successfully and they have all thrived. This has pushed me to have high expectations for all kids that come to me.