Special Education Events

  • First Public School

    Charles Michael L'Epee opens the first public school for Children with Disabilities in France. This school was for the deaf and wanted to teach the them how to sign and communicate with others. L'Epee learned the signs they were already using in Paris and developed his own system of sign language. https://deafhistory.eu/index.php/component/zoo/item/abbe-charles-michel-de-l-epee
  • Special Education Literature

    In the 1800's Samuel Gridley Howe, Edouard o. Seguin, and Thomas Hopkins Gallaudat wrote literature in regards to the neglect that Special Education students received. They witnessed the treatment of some Special Education Students and wanted it to be known and fixed. They spoke about the children with disabilities being confined to jails without food and water.
  • Early Education programs

    1890 was the first time the states saw early education programs being started. At first these programs were delinquency programs for "at risk" or special education who lived in urban districts. Within a couple years these students were learning carpentry, metal work and sewing.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    This act was signed by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who believed that full educational opportunity should be a Nationwide goal. This act ensured that low income students got the same supplies and education as other students. It also created funds to have a proper environment for children with disabilities.
  • Mills vs. Board of Education

    This class action lawsuit was brought to attention after seven students were denied a public education for the sole reason of them having disabilities. This case went past just approving those students a free education, but required schools to give those children assessments as well as individual education plans. Students also couldn't be denied education regardless of the cost.
  • The Handicap Children's protection act

    This act ensures children ages 3-5 with a disability have access to a free public education like their non-disabled peers. This act also provides family plans for Newborns and toddlers with what services they may need. This act ensures that educators keep families up to date with whatever needs their child may have regarding to their education.
  • Public Law/ IDEA

    This guarantees that people with disabilities have the right to free and public education. This requires that all public schools provide specialized services for children with disabilities. It also requires schools to develop an Individualized Education Plan for students with the classroom teacher, family of the student and any staff member that will assist the student with their education. https://youtu.be/3XMndYNEGFA
  • PA Association of Retarded Children vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    Decades before this court case, children with disabilities did not have the right to free public education. This case was very quick to come to an agreement in which the state agreed to provide free public education for children born with disabilities.
  • Americans with Disabilities act

    This act protects Americans with disabilities from discrimination int he work place and schools. As children get older many parents are worried how their child with a disability will live a normal life. This act protects children from being discriminated against while applying for jobs or going to college.
  • Higher Education opportunity Act

    This act was put into place to aid disabled students with intellectual disabilities. When students with disabilities are planning to go to college this act will help them be able to apply for grants or loans. This act prohibits these services from denying these students based off their disability.