Child Find
Child Find can locate children from age 2.5 years up to 21. Once a referral is made then the time limits start for the response from the IEP team.
NH Rules. Ed 1105.01 Responsibilities of the Local Education Agency. -
Receipt of Referral
NH Rules. Ed 1106.01 Process; Provision of FAPE (c)
This is the request for a child to be evaluated to see if they are elegible for special education. It can be requested by the parents/guardians of a student or by a teacher. Ayone can make the request. Parents must be notified within 15 days of receipt of referral. -
Disposition of Referral Meeting
The Disposition of Referral meeting is a group of individuals, primarily school personnel, service providers, the parent(s), that are responsible for making all special education decisions. The Disposistion of Referral meeting is responsible for determining eligibility for special education, and if determined approrpiate, developing, reviewing, or revising the IEP, and placement.
NH Rules. Ed 1106.01 Process; Provision of FAPE -
Parent signs permission to evaulate the student.
Ed 1106.01 Process; Provision of FAPE. -
Legal rights of parents to particpate in mtgs'
§300.501Opportunity to examine records: parent participation in meetings.
(b) Parent participation in meetings. (1) The parents of a child with a disability must be afforded an opportunity to participate in meetings with respect to--
(i) The identification, evaluation, and educational placement of the child; and
(ii) The provision of FAPE to the child. -
From here forward particpants in the process will be the IEP team and parents
IEP team members should include a teacher certified in each area of disability, parent(s), regular education teacher, representative of local education agency, individual to interpret evaluation results. NH Rules. Ed 1103.01 IEP Team. -
Evaluations are completed, results are provided to parents.
The school district has 60calendar days from the date the parents signed for persmission to evaluate the student. The evaluations must be completed by this date and a report of the results made available to the parents.
NH Rules.Ed 1107.01 Evaluation (c) -
Child is determined to be eligible for special education.
IEP Team have 30 days to begin writing the initial IEP
NH Rules. Ed 1108.01 Determination of Eligibility for Special Education -
Law on 45 day rules
(c) The evaluation process, including a written summary report, shall be completed within 45 days after receipt of parental consent for testing or at the conclusion of any extension provided in Ed 1107.01(c). May be extended by no more than 15 days by agreement.
NH Rules. Ed 1107.01 Evaluation -
Initial IEP must be written and completed.
NH Rules. Ed 1107.05 Evaluation Report. A summary must be provided to the parents. -
IEP is agreed upon and signed by parents
You have up to 30 calendar days after the school district sends
Written Prior Notice with the proposed IEP to review and sign the
NH Rules. Ed 1109.01 Elements of an Individualized Education Program. (a)(5) -
Placement of student needs to be in least retrictive environment.
NH Rules. Ed 1111.01(a) Placement in the Least Restrictive Environment. IEP has 30 days in which to do this. -
Last day for parents to sign or reject proposed IEP for student
Annual review of IEP
The IEP must be reviewed and revised once a year so that it continues to meet your child’s needs.
NH Rules. Ed 1109.03 When an IEP Is in Effect; IEP Meetings; Development, Review, and Revision of an IEP; Transition Services. (d)
Ed 1109.06 Monitoring and Annual Review of IEPs. -
Annual review of IEP
The IEP must be reviewed and revised once a year so that it continues to meet your child’s needs. -
Three Year Evaluation
Once your child begins receiving special education, he or she will be
reevaluated at least once every three years to ensure the IEP Team has current information to base their decisions on. Parents (and other IEP Team members) can request testing at anytime if there are any concerns.