Special Education

  • Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley

    The school district agreed to provide an interpreter for their first grade daughter. She was blind. The district changed their mind. They did not provide services for her. The parents lost the court case. They appealed to the Supreme Court. They won the case for the Supreme and the U.S. Court of Appeals. The first rule was created for children to have free appropriate public education. This allowed children with disabilities to complete their education with passing grades.
  • Irving Independent School District v. Tatro

    Amber was born with Spina Bifida (Goldberg, 2010). She required catheterization every few hours/. In the beginning her school agreed to educate her and provided the services she needed Now it did not seem fair for them not to neglect their duty. The school's stance was because they do not have the medical license it would be impossible to assist Amber. Finally, the law was imposed for the medically exempt rule. Schools must make accommodations if students are not required to have a physician.
  • Burlington School Committe v. Massachusetts Department of Education

    Michael was a first grader with a special learning disability. The school believe it was emotional, but his parents and doctors said it was neurological. There was little improvement when services were provided in a public school setting. His parents wanted to move him to a private school. Funding would come from the parents. The parents believe they should not pay because public schools could not meet the education requirements. After eight years of battle, Michael received free education.