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Special Educarion

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    Learning disabilities

    In the 1940s, programs for children with learning disabilities became more common.
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    Landmark decision

    Brown v Board of Education was passed in 1954, stating that racial segregation were unconstitutional. That decision prompted parents of disabled children to bring lawsuits against school districts.
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    Elementary and Secondary Educarion Act of 1965

    The law was amended in 1966 to improve programs and education for handicapped children.
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    Congressional Investigation

    Lego sis Latino was introduced in Congress after landmark court cases establishing in law the right to education all handicapped children.
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    Public Law 94-142

    This is also known as the education for all handicapped children act of 1975. All handicapped children have a right to an education.
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    PARC and Mills

    Pennsylvania Assn. for Retarded Children v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Mills v Board of Wducation of District of Colombia. PARC was dealing with the exclusion of children with mental retardation from public schools.
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    The IDEA compliance test was introduced. The test is to ensure special education to eligibility children with disabilities.
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    Individuals with Disabilites Education Improvement

    Congress wanted to increased the focus on accountability and improved outcomes by requiring that special education teaches be highly qualified.