Plessy vs. Ferguson
Separate but equal (Oyez 2018) -
Brown vs. Board of Education
Separate is not equal in education (Oyez 2018) -
PARC vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
First right to education suit in the US. Resulting in the state providing a free public education to all children with disabilities. -
Mills vs. Board of Education of District of Columbia
The state mandated a free and suitable education for qualified students. (http://usedulaw.com/438-mills-v-board-of-education-of-the-district-of-columbia.html) -
Family educational rights and privacy act. This law protects the education records of the student. (https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html?) -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act, Public Law 94-142
Free public education for children with disabilities (https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers/idea35/history/index_pg10.html?exp=3) -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act, Public Law 99-457
Amendment to P.L. 94-142 Mandated states to provide services from time of birth to children with disabilities. (https://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/leg/idea/history.html) -
Rowley vs. Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District
Amy Rowley a deaf student, school was refusing to have a sign language interpreter in the classroom. Court sided with Rowley in that the school needed to provide a sign language interpreter in the classroom. (Oyez 2018) -
Irving vs. Tatro
Some medical services can be considered a related service, in this case it was talking about clean intermittent catheterization. (Oyez 2018) -
Burlington vs. Department of Education
Student was not revising a appropriate education parents pulled him and put him in a private school. (Oyez 2018) -
Burlington School Committee v. Department of Education
Safeguards (Oyez 2018) -
Polk vs. Central Suquenama
The school was not providing the related service under the EHA of physical therapy. (https://openjurist.org/853/f2d/171/polk-v-central-susquehanna-intermediate-unit) -
Timothy W. vs. Rochester, NH school District
Landmark case for zero reject -
Daniel R.R. vs. State Board of Education
Daniel's parents wanted him to stay in a public main stream per-kindergarten, but he court decided that for the best interest of Daniel and his peers that he be moved to self contained classroom. (https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/874/1036/382507/) -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Amendment to P.L. 94-142 renamed Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Traumatic brain injury and autism added to disability categories. (https://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/leg/idea/history.html) -
IDEA Amendment
Added new provisions on discipline (https://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/leg/idea/history.html) -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Expand the developmental delay from birth to nine years old. (https://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/leg/idea/history.html) -
Garrett Vs. Cedar Rapids
That some medical services may be considered a related service (https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/526/66/) -
Neosho R-V School vs. Clark
The school district was not providing a FAPE to Robert. (https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-8th-circuit/1361863.html) -
IDEA Amendment
Early intervention for students, special education teaching standards raised (https://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/leg/idea/history.html) -
Mr. I vs. Maine
Student had Asperger and had trouble interacting with peers in social settings. Requested to have a IEP and was granted by the district court. (http://www.drcnh.org/Maine.html) -
Endrew vs. Douglas County School District
IDEA says that if a free public school cannot meet the educational needs of a disabled student, the student’s parents may enroll their child in a private school and seek reimbursement for tuition.
(Oyez 2018)